Second Time Around

I purchased this refrigerator for my office. It is to be shared by a group of 5 people so I wanted one that was a little bigger than the typical compacts. I paid for overnight deliverly as others had suggested. The unit arrived in a box that had been previously opened. I was a bit worried when I removed the item from the box. It had some large dents on the side but was otherwise ok. Once I plugged it in I realized there were bigger issues. The motor was very loud and was cycling constantly. It would run for seven minutes and then would be off for four minutes then on for seven off for four - yes I actually timed it. Everytime the unit came on it startled me. At first I thought that once the motor broke in that it would become quiet. That did not happen. After having the unit for 24 hours and spilling a cup of coffee on my desk from my rattled nerves I called Amazon for a replacement unit.
The new refrigerator arrived the next day. Once again it arrived in a box that had previously been opened. The replacement had a large dent on the door but otherwise works great. It is so quiet. I barely notice it when the motor is running. What a difference! I actually check it on occasion to make sure that it is working because I don't notice it at all. I switched doors with the first refrigerator and now I have a unit that has no significant dents and it doesn't interrupt my work environment. The actual refrigerator is nice looking and has a lot of interior space. After the experience with the first one I am a bit concerned about the reliability but for now I am satisfied.More detail ...
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